Choosing a Network

When deploying a contract, you'll have the option of selecting what network to use:

Test Networks

Test Networks are used for testing and experimentation purposes, allowing creators to test NFTs in a risk-free environment.

These networks use 'test' tokens or 'fake' cryptocurrencies, which have no real-world value and can be obtained from testnet faucets for free.

Minting NFTs on a testnet is free as test tokens carry no monetary value. Any issues or bugs discovered during testing on testnets do not affect the main blockchain and have no financial consequences.

Goerli Test Net

The Goerli test network is the current universal testnet supported by Manifold Studio. Goerli funds are free and can be obtained through various faucets including:

Main Networks

Main Networks are the live, production versions of blockchain networks where NFTs hold real and potentially significant economic value.

Main Networks use real cryptocurrencies (e.g., Ether for Ethereum), which have monetary value and can be traded on various platforms.

Minting NFTs on a mainnet incurs real costs, as transactions require the consumption of cryptocurrencies (like Ether) to pay for gas fees. These costs can sometimes be significant, especially during periods of high network congestion.

Any issues, vulnerabilities, or bugs in NFTs or smart contracts on a mainnet can lead to real-world financial losses or other immutable consequences for your work

Ethereum (L1)

The Ethereum main network, or β€œLayer 1”, is the original blockchain that runs on the Ethereum protocol.

  • Pros: Decentralized, secure, and supports versatile smart contracts for various applications.

  • Cons: Limited scalability, slower transaction times, and high gas fees during network congestion.

Optimism (L2)

Optimism is a Layer 2 solution built on top of Ethereum designed to increase the throughput of the network and reduce fees through the use of rollups and off-chain computation.

  • Pros: Faster transactions, lower gas fees, and increased scalability while maintaining Ethereum compatibility.

  • Cons: Potential centralization risks and limited composability with other layer 2 solutions.

Last updated